he social networks are spreading like wildfire. The 3 most important social networks are Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and then you have bloggers or influencals. Facebook is the biggest with 140,475,700 people followed by Twitter 18.124.215 people.
Facebook is biggest one. Logically people make the most mistakes with this social network. The biggest mistake is that people mix up private and business together. A company can google you easily and the company can find your Facebookpage. As an young marketeer searching for a job, Facebook can cause problems. The best way is to close your account and keep it open for your friends. If you have nothing to hide, you can prefer for an open profile. But if you want your headhunter to see only parts of your pictures, status updates etc, you can adjust this in your privacy settings.
The advice, I would like to give with you: “Use your common sense, Facebook is like an online extension of yourself. Some people have a private and a business profile. I actually don’t support Only 1 problem if people google you they can see both. Try LinkedIn for business and Facebook for friends. I can advice you to make list. But if you are a net worker like me, you know a lot of people, so it’s a lot of work, so I decided to use common sense.Fired Facebook
15% of all companies have all ready warned someone about their actions on social networks
17% have all ready got a warning about their blog or reaction on a blog
8% has been fired by their misbehavior on social networks
Twitter is a way to communicate and a way to show what your are doing. Think about it, it’s a 1 way communication medium. Everybody can follow you, unless you have a private account and vice versa. In Europe this social network is still covering ground. What we see is that Twitter has a solid base of users. These users are the most influential people on the internet. The Frequently Made Mistake here is that a lot of arguments and disputes are fought on Twitter. Followers will loose confidence in you as a Marketeer. Remember if people follow you on one social network, they most likely follow you on other social networks as well. Also don’t follow everybody, try to find the balance between following and followers. The reason why I say this is, otherwise you’ll miss the important Tweets in your timeline.
So I would just recommend don’t follow to much, try to find a balance and fight your battle offline.